

February Newsletter
Family Mission Statements Mission statements have long been a part of organizations; they provide a clear path for what the organization wants to accomplish and how they plan to go about doing it. Yet, seldom does a family take the time to write a mission statement, and what organization is more important than the family? By establishing who you are as a family, how you want to be known, and how you plan to do it, you are practicing Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind®. The process is a great way to practice all of the 7 Habits.
Step 1. Ask yourself these seven questions: How do we want our family to be known? How do we want to treat each other? What is most important to us as a family? What are some of our talents, gifts, and abilities? What makes us the happiest? What makes us unhappy? What kind of home do we want to invite friends to?
Step 2. Write your Family Mission Statement. Consider all four areas: • Body (health and physical welfare) • Brain (learning) • Heart (relationships) • Soul (inspiration Keep it simple, one to two lines, so the youngest family members can memorize it and find it meaningful. Examples: “We are builders,” “No empty chairs,” “To serve others,” “All for one and one for all,” etc.
Step 3. Stay on course. As parents, you are the role models. Keep smiling and getting back on track. The promise: By writing a Family Mission Statement, the message to your children is that your family is important—you know what you stand for and how you are going to work together to accomplish it.

The month of February highlights Synergize.  All habits are taught throughout the school year, but each month, one is the focus for discussion.   Certificates are awarded monthly by Mrs. Lord and Mr. Farrel to students best demonstrating the monthly  habit.  A special assembly will be held to honor these students. Many of our students demonstrate these principles on a daily basis, so often it is difficult to choose only one  per classroom. Teachers will be looking for exemplary student examples.

The Leader In Me, The Leader In Me Second Edition  and The Seven Habits of Happy Kids is available for parents to check out in our school library to help your students at home with these habits.

Check out The Leader in Me Parents page. Here you will find activities for your child in “The Student Schoolyard”. In “The Parents’ Place” you will find fun ways to involve the entire family in Habit 2!

For ideas on how parents can reinforce this habit and all of the others, take a look at the Leader in Me Parent Guide found on our school website.

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