


Hop in to your time machine and go back to the 1950's and get ready to enjoy a wonderful performance of Grease! Students, under the direction of Mrs. Tovera and Mrs. Brinks are hard at work preparing for their upcoming theatrical performance. Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 9th. More details to follow as we get closer to the performance.

In recognition of President's Day there will be no school on Monday February 9th and Monday February 16th.

The second trimester comes to an end on February 13. Parent Conference week runs from February 23 -27. Be on the lookout for notices about scheduling your conference time. Conference time is an important part of the educational process, more so now as we transition to student-led parent conferences. Your student will lead you through his or her Leadership Notebook as he or she discusses progress toward individual goals and class and school WIGS or Wildly Important Goals. Strong leaders take responsibility and accountability for their own learning and this conference is a big part of leadership development.

SSC meets the first Thursday of each month at 8:15. We would like to extend an open invitation to interested parents or grandparents. Meetings last only an hour in the school library. They are informative, yet informal and give parents the opportunity to express views and opinions on school-wide goals and the yearly plan for student achievement. Please drop by on January 8th to see if this may be something you would be interested in attending each month.  This month we are combining School Site Council with English Language Advisory Council. Everyone is welcome.The next meeting is Thursday, February 5th.

WIG Out on Attendance
WIG means Wildly Important Goal and a 97% attendance rate each month is one of our school WIGS.  Many students have been out sick lately. Our attendance rate fell a bit in January to 94.15%

4th Grade Testing
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Assessments are conducted periodically in mathematics,reading, science, writing, the arts, civics,economics, geography, U.S. history, and beginning in 2014, in Technology and Engineering Literacy​ (TEL). North Country 4th Graders will be testing on February 24th.

On February 27th all CJUSD schools will be participating in a disaster drill. A major part of school safety is preparedness. Each year we participate in a district-wide drill to provide staff and students a opportunity to fine-tune our emergency responses. The information we gather from this drill goes in to developing our School Safety Plan.

Early Out Mondays Continue
School is dismissed at 2:40 on Mondays.
Kindergarten schedule is 8:40-11:45 for AM and 11:35-2:40 for PM
There will be no school on Monday, February 9th and 16th.
School Colors – GO North Country!
In 1990 during North Country’s first year, it was determined that navy blue, gray and white were the school’s colors and  Wolfie the Timberwolf  was selected as our school’s mascot. Fridays were designated as SHOW YOUR SPIRIT day by wearing school colors and/or NoCo T-shirts and sweatshirts. We would like to maintain that tradition by wearing our colors on Fridays, or any school-wide event days.  North Country shirts are still available to purchase  in the office. Please help your student to remember to SHOW THEIR SPIRIT on Fridays by wearing their North Country shirts or colors.

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