
Monday, November 5, 2012

Principally Speaking

Fall is in the air!  Colorful leaves litter the yards and sidewalks.  Cooler days welcome longer nights.   A cozy blanket or perhaps a crackling fire to keep us warm on those rainy days peering around the corner.  I always look forward to Fall as it leads to more opportunities to spend time with family and friends.  Thanksgiving plans are underway.  It’s a busy, often hectic time, planning dinner menus, traveling, shopping and all of the other preparations but don’t forget the importance of taking time to reflect on the things you are most thankful for.

Thanksgiving break is just around the corner (November 19-23).  While students are not in school there are still myriad of fun learning opportunities:

  • Read stories about the Native Americans and pilgrims
  • Take a virtual field trip of the Mayflower:
  • Arts and crafts like things found here:
  • Kids love to help in the kitchen.  Ask them to measure ingredients, read preparation instructions, or get creative and make a dish of their own.
  • Write a letter to a loved one explaining what they are thankful for
  • Have them set the table making them count out the place settings
  • Practice handwriting by making place card settings or labels for snacks

The possibilities are endless.   Keeping kids involved in the process will help keep them occupied and everyone will be thankful for the resulting happy kids and parents.

We are thankful for the wonderful students and families that make North Country the best school!

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