
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Principally Speaking

Now that the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer, why not think about getting involved at school? Many opportunities exist which would not only give you the satisfaction of knowing that others are benefiting from your actions but most importantly, knowing that you are giving your child the most precious gift of all; your time. Your involvement will enrich your understanding of your child’s life at school. Here are some options:
·                     Serve as a classroom volunteer
·                     Share your hobbies, culture or expertise with students as a guest speaker in your child’s classroom
·                     Assist with school clubs and activities
·                     Chaperone field trips
·                     Support your child’s fund raising efforts
·                     Serve on school committees (PTA, SSC)
·                     Lend support to PTA with extra-curricular activities
·                     Call your child’s teacher and ask if there are ways to help at home.

Often employment responsibilities limit or prohibit involvement in your child’s school. Our   PTA events are the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 in the evening. Meetings are only an hour long. All of our PTA parents work but schedule themselves into our family events and activities without infringing upon their jobs. If many parents get involved, it  means that no one is overburdened and it is a chance to get your feet wet without everyone expecting more.  In the future, your participation here at school will be viewed by you and your child as special times and fond memories.

“Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biographies of souls.” 

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