
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Principally Speaking

The last decade of  the new millennium and the two years beyond have brought us  great unrest and financial insecurity. We survived the prophetic impending doom of 2000 as psychics insisted that computers would cease functioning worldwide, thereby throwing mankind into a downward tailspin taking years, if not decades to recover. The energy crisis of 2001 was insignificant compared to the NYC terrorist attacks initiated by Osama bin Laden.  This left America shaken and overwhelmed; an event that will be imprinted on our hearts forever. Troops in Afghanistan, threats of anthrax, the implementation of Homeland Security and reports of potential attacks were enough to send people scurrying for safety and wondering just where in America “safety” existed.  2002 and 2003  brought the downfall of Saddam Hussein and the resulting war in Iraq with thousands of troops - neighbors, friends, loved ones, mothers and fathers deployed overseas to defend our country against terrorism. Throughout the decade, troops were continually deployed to Afghanistan and the Middle East in America’s quest for freedom and justice. Osama bin Laden was brought down on May 2, 2011, an exclamation point to the war on terror.
Our country has been through a deep recession which has affected our stability at home and at work. Schools in California have just been getting by on little to no budget for the past three to four years. December brought us the unthinkable:  the death of many innocent children in a Connecticut school all because of an individual overcome with mental illness that society was unable to help. A selfish, reprehensible act which has put all schools’ emergency plans on the forefront. Finally, we survived the Mayan apocalypse described as the end of time and mankind. December 21st came and went as the fourth day before Christmas.
A new year brings new hope for all of us. The economy is slowly improving. Consider the present an opportunity for a bright future.  Where will your school-aged children be in another decade? Our sixth graders will be 21 years old.  We encourage them to be living their dreams through the seven habits of highly effective people. These principles are about starting with self and understanding that everyone has something valuable to contribute. Success and happiness depends on how we treat others and how we manage ourselves. Education is about educating children and developing leaders for the challenges ahead. The future requires citizens with analytical minds and moral courage. Our leadership model promotes qualities crucial to a democratic society – developing inquisitive minds, enforcing safety, testing theory, and befriending the many cultures surrounding us. In the dawn of the New Year, imagine your children as future leaders of our country. This generation can and will make a difference.

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